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⚠️a new website is being worked on! to find the new pages, put /new or new at the end of the link.⚠️

this is my website for friends to get my info, if your not my friend get off.

thats all i gotta say to you.

anyways i will be adding more to this later, but im just learining html so i'll be slow.

if you want to make a gamer website like i did, DO NOT USE WIX! wix is a vile company and is harder to use than teaching yourself HTML.

DO NOT LET IT FOOL YOU! if you want to use a website like that, use Carrd, its SO much easier, i guarantee it.

i wonder what this is...

list of really good people:

  • alex
  • bea
  • zena cutecore
  • grammy
  • kona cutecore
  • more will be added

my website is cool isnt it? theres gonna be more ok. updates will be random, don't expect a whole schedule. this site is just basic html for compatibility with phones and other devices. this is meant to be compatible with older browsers and devices, tell me how that goes in my discord.

copyright© starch club 2007, all right reserved. all images are stolen assets from google.

versions! YAYY NUMBERS!