no logo today???

website status

well your viewing the site hm? that means its up. currently all functions are operational, if its not fully working feel free to email me...

color of the month

the color of the month award goes to..... red!!!!!

red is an amazing color because of its redness and because its very red. that is why red wins.


old website

other sites that work on old computer


gay at this point email me about this errorhhhhhhhhhwhy cant u see css :(

link back to us

bluestarch dot com

about this website

this website is designed to work on older browsers, specifically internet explorer 6, opera 6, and any other browser you can really think oif. since html is read diffrently by browser, i cannot say if this website will look the same from browser to browser. this website works on all modern browsers, internet explorer 6.0 (XP) internet explorer 8 (VISTA) and the nintendo wii, and dsi browser.

use for this website

at the time of writing this, there is no great use for this website besides having something to view on your old browser. this website WAS JUST LAUNCHED THOUGH and im still scrambling to get ideas for every page. a guestbook will probrably come, so make sure to sign it on all your old computers you may own.

if you have read all of this, good job. you will need to get used to reading my rants... its just a perk of being on my website. i appriciate your visit!!!!!!

internet explorer is cool

the time is: 20:02 on 2024-09-19

site last updated: 9.15.2024

randome flash game

this service hasnt started yet uhmhmh so wait a few days i suppose hhhhhhhhh