The website is undergoing changes to add accounts at the moment.

website status

well your viewing the site hm? that means its up. currently all functions are operational, if its not fully working feel free to email me...

color of the month

the color of the month award goes to..... red!!!!!

red is an amazing color because of its redness and because its very red. that is why red wins.


finns site
legacy update

warning, wont work on old browser

other sites that work on old computer

GET The Old Net Retrotech Lounge Old'aVista Vintage Search finn is not a fish[.]com


Free Email, hotmail Site Developed using NOTEPADpowered by phpMADE WITH CASCADING STYLE SHEETS

link back to us

bluestarch dot com

your advertisement

upload your advertiselemt

you NEED to use a jpg! use a jpg only!!!

some rules for advertising

no sexual or ratial content, that is completely against this website.

no swears or hate speech... i thought that would be pretty clear but nope!!!

no advertising of products, if your website has products, that is fine. but advertising products direcrly on this website will not be accepted.

if your ad does not follow any of these rules, it will be rejected and not posted on the website.

your not posting into a void!

you'd be suprised around 100 people visit my site daily, your ad will be seen. check multiple times that your happy with it and that you are okay with it being on the internet. thank you for your participation in keeping my website not horrifying.

the time is: 03:54:17 on 2024-10-16

site last updated: 10.12.2024